
Hempions in the Armed Forces

Markus Tschanun eats hemp cheese spaetzle

The Austrian Armed Forces rely on vital superfoods from the region According to the motto: "Soldiers need power", hemp cheese spaetzle made from regional ingredients was served at the Armed Forces' Bilgeri Barracks in Bregenz. The particularly tasty version of the traditional dish met with good feedback from both the young basic army servicemen and the officers. The unusual, dark green colour of the hemp cheese spaetzle convinced ...

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Hemp in Vorarlberg

Private Hemp Cultivation In Vorarlberg

The cultivation of hemp in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg has a long tradition. But with the decline of the once strong textile industry in the state, the cultivation of hemp has also largely ceased. The Hempions are campaigning for the re-cultivation of hemp in Vorarlberg and many other regions. Overview of hemp cultivation in Vorarlberg over the last centuries Vorarlberg hemp cultivation today ...

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Why is hemp so valuable?

Hemp has a long tradition as a useful plant and is one of the oldest and most versatile plants in the world. In addition, the hemp plant still offers great benefits in countless areas today. We are so convinced of hemp because no other plant brings with it so many possibilities and opportunities for a sustainable future. Nevertheless, the champion of all ...

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